How it works. | Function
How it works

We take a modern, multidisciplinary approach.

Through a series of daily exercises, Function helps you retrain your nervous system to experience less pain.

Whether you're aware of it or not, your nervous system is responsible for all of your pain. When your pain's persistent, it's extremely likely that your nervous system is not operating properly. Function works by helping you gradually retrain your nervous system to produce less pain over the long-term.

Each day of training includes some learning and some doing. The "learning" is in the form of a few short lessons that help you understand your pain and what influences it, including all of its biological, psychological, and lifestyle-related causes. The "doing" includes 1 exercise each day that takes what you've learned and helps you integrate it into your life.

As your lessons advance, so do your exercises—along with your experience of relief. Read more details about the core Function program, below.

The Core Program
The Function App