Function for work.

Better backs.
Better business.

Function helps people transform the downward spiral of persistent lower back pain into an upward spiral of relief and vitality.

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Parent playing with their children

Lower back pain is the
most expensive health problem

And ~80% of lower back pain costs are concentrated in the ~5% of employees with persistent pain.

Estimate your persistent lower back pain costs


Software & Information

Number of employees

Not including impact on quality of life, job satisfaction, turnover, presenteeism, and employee out-of-pocket costs.
5,000Estimated employees with persistent lower back pain
Total yearly cost
Excess medical spend
Long-term disability
Short-term disability
Excess sick days

Why? Because persistent lower back pain is mistreated.

Many of the most common treatments for persistent lower back pain do not bear out in clinical trials.

Common (mis)treatmentsMany of the most common treatments for persistent lower back pain either do not bear out in clinical trials or, even when they work, do so for different sets of reasons than advertised.

But the scientific community agrees on its treatment

The best treatment for persistent pain is multidisciplinary, addressing the biological, psychological, and lifestyle-related causes of pain.

Medical guidelines for persistent lower back pain by countryMany of the most advanced countries in the world have aligned their guidance behind this new understanding of pain.
Psychosocial therapyโœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…
Exercise therapyโœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…
Multidisciplinary rehabโœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…

Introducing Function

Function focuses only on persistent lower back pain, helping your team find long-term relief by addressing all of its causes.

The Core Program
The Function App

Early results are in

Based on a survey of Function users who completed the core 3-month program.


Day-to-day pain


Flare-up frequency


Likelihood of surgery

Get in touch

If you're interested in improving productivity and reducing spend, let us know using the form below and we'll reach out.

First name
Last name
What best describes you?
company name
Is your organization looking to improve productivity and reduce spend in the next 12 months?

Real people. Real relief.

I've noticed a big improvement in my physical and mental wellbeing since using Function. I've had back and neck pain for decades, and tried just about everything. Function gave me a doable routine, and helped me learn how not to fear pain. My back pain is now gone most days, and when it does get agitated, I can use Function to quickly find relief.Image of testimonial author: Zuri M.Zuri M.
I've lived with back pain for two decades, and Function is the first intervention that shows real potential for major change for the better. Since starting the program, I haven't experienced a single major flare-up, despite having encountered my most common pain triggers on several occasions.Image of testimonial author: Mat B.Mat B.
My back feels the best it has since the pandemic started! Before Function, I would dread long car rides. Since, they haven't caused nearly the same pain.Image of testimonial author: Christine D.Christine D.
After years of ineffective treatment, I was told I'd recovered as much as I would. Function has changed my understanding of what's possible. I've had fewer flare-ups and much less pain overall.Image of testimonial author: Jobel C.Jobel C.

As a new father with a history of lower back pain, I'm always concerned about what it could mean if I were to do the wrong thing and injure my back. This anxiety about pain altered my behavior in negative ways.

Function has helped me develop a healthier mindset to avoid being captive to those concerns, and given me the tools to take a proactive approach to my relief.

Image of testimonial author: Sanjiv G.Sanjiv G.
Physical therapy apps just assign me exercises, but don't share why they'll work. Function helps me understand how pain really works, and what to do based on that.Image of testimonial author: Jason S.Jason S.
ReferencesSources are presented in order of appearance.
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